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August 13, 2018

Be warned: these lockdowns are just a precursor to full-blown martial law. These are the hallmarks of a military occupation. (EDITED VERSION)

August 06, 2018

If Americans don’t learn how to get along—at the very least, agreeing to disagree and respecting each other’s right to subscribe to beliefs and opinions that may be offensive, hateful, intolerant or merely different—then we’re going to soon find that we have no rights whatsoever (to speak, assemble, agree, disagree, protest, opt in, opt out, or forge our own paths as individuals).

August 06, 2018

if Americans don’t learn how to get along—at the very least, agreeing to disagree and respecting each other’s right to subscribe to beliefs and opinions that may be offensive, hateful, intolerant or merely different—then we’re going to soon find that we have no rights whatsoever (to speak, assemble, agree, disagree, protest, opt in, opt out, or forge our own paths as individuals). (EDITED VERSION)

July 30, 2018

While there are many films to choose from, the following 10 classic war films touch on modern warfare (from the First World War onward) and run the gamut of conflicts and human emotions and center on the core issues often at work in the nasty business of war. (EDITED VERSION)

July 30, 2018

While there are many films to choose from, the following 10 classic war films touch on modern warfare (from the First World War onward) and run the gamut of conflicts and human emotions and center on the core issues often at work in the nasty business of war.

July 23, 2018

There are those who would have you believe that President Trump is an unwitting victim of the Deep State. And then there are those who insist that the Deep State is a figment of a conspiratorial mind. Don’t believe it. The Deep State—a.k.a. the police state, a.k.a. the military industrial complex, a.k.a. the surveillance state complex—does indeed exist and Trump, far from being its sworn enemy, is its latest tool.

July 23, 2018

There are those who would have you believe that President Trump is an unwitting victim of the Deep State. And then there are those who insist that the Deep State is a figment of a conspiratorial mind. Don’t believe it. The Deep State—a.k.a. the police state, a.k.a. the military industrial complex, a.k.a. the surveillance state complex—does indeed exist and Trump, far from being its sworn enemy, is its latest tool. (EDITED VERSION)

July 16, 2018

Given the preponderance of news-as-entertainment programming, it’s no wonder that viewers have largely lost the ability to think critically and analytically and differentiate between truth and propaganda, especially when delivered by way of fake news criers and politicians. While television news cannot—and should not—be completely avoided, the following suggestions will help you better understand the nature of TV news.

July 16, 2018

Given the preponderance of news-as-entertainment programming, it’s no wonder that viewers have largely lost the ability to think critically and analytically and differentiate between truth and propaganda, especially when delivered by way of fake news criers and politicians. While television news cannot—and should not—be completely avoided, the following suggestions will help you better understand the nature of TV news. (EDITED VERSION)

July 09, 2018

The U.S. government is operating under a New World Order government—a power elite conspiring to rule the world—and it is being brought to you by the Global-Industrial Deep State, a powerful cabal made up of international government agencies and corporations. This is not the stuff of conspiracy theory, I promise, although I have lived long enough to see many so-called conspiracy theories turn into cold, hard fact.

July 09, 2018

The U.S. government is operating under a New World Order government—a power elite conspiring to rule the world—and it is being brought to you by the Global-Industrial Deep State, a powerful cabal made up of international government agencies and corporations. This is not the stuff of conspiracy theory, I promise, although I have lived long enough to see many so-called conspiracy theories turn into cold, hard fact. (EDITED VERSION)

July 02, 2018

Every so often, the justices toss a bone to those who fear they have abdicated their allegiance to the Constitution. Too often, however, the Supreme Court tends to march in lockstep with the police state. The Court’s 2017-18 term was a particularly mixed bag. Here are some of the key rulings and non-rulings handed down by the Court this term...

July 02, 2018

Every so often, the justices toss a bone to those who fear they have abdicated their allegiance to the Constitution. Too often, however, the Supreme Court tends to march in lockstep with the police state. The Court’s 2017-18 term was a particularly mixed bag. Here are some of the key rulings and non-rulings handed down by the Court this term... (EDITED VERSION)

June 26, 2018

No document better states their grievances than the Declaration of Independence, which seethes with outrage over a government which had betrayed its citizens. We could use a little of that outrage today. Indeed, read the Declaration of Independence for yourself and ask yourself if the abuses suffered by early Americans at the hands of the British police state don’t bear a startling resemblance to the abuses “we the people” are suffering at the hands of the American police state.

June 26, 2018

No document better states their grievances than the Declaration of Independence, which seethes with outrage over a government which had betrayed its citizens. We could use a little of that outrage today. Indeed, read the Declaration of Independence for yourself and ask yourself if the abuses suffered by early Americans at the hands of the British police state don’t bear a startling resemblance to the abuses “we the people” are suffering at the hands of the American police state.

June 18, 2018

First broadcast in America 50 years ago, The Prisoner confronted societal themes that are still relevant today: the rise of a police state, the freedom of the individual, round-the-clock surveillance, the corruption of government, totalitarianism, weaponization, group think, mass marketing, and the tendency of humankind to meekly accept their lot in life as a prisoner in a prison of their own making.

June 18, 2018

First broadcast in America 50 years ago, The Prisoner confronted societal themes that are still relevant today: the rise of a police state, the freedom of the individual, round-the-clock surveillance, the corruption of government, totalitarianism, weaponization, group think, mass marketing, and the tendency of humankind to meekly accept their lot in life as a prisoner in a prison of their own making. (EDITED VERSION)

June 12, 2018

While illegal immigration is a problem that must be addressed, forcibly separating migrant children from their parents, transferring custody of them to the U.S. government, and caging them indefinitely in dog kennels cannot be the solution. There comes a time when law and order are in direct opposition to justice. It’s time to draw that line in the sand.

June 12, 2018

While illegal immigration is a problem that must be addressed, forcibly separating migrant children from their parents, transferring custody of them to the U.S. government, and caging them indefinitely in dog kennels cannot be the solution. There comes a time when law and order are in direct opposition to justice. It’s time to draw that line in the sand. (EDITED VERSION)

June 05, 2018

Someone needs to alert Donald Trump: there is no “Get Out of Jail Free” card just for being president. Long before the DOJ issued its 1974 memorandum, which soundly refutes Trump’s claims to legal immunity, America’s founders issued their own proclamation—the Declaration of Independence—denouncing the tyrannical dictates of an imperial ruler. Unfortunately, we’ve been backsliding ever since.

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