Legal Assistance
Are you suffering the loss of your freedoms because you cannot afford to stand up for your rights in a court of law? You are not alone. Vast numbers of people are being systematically disenfranchised from their rights in a free nation. And most of the people who need legal help cannot afford to pay legal fees. That’s why The Rutherford Institute defends people who have been denied civil and human rights without charging them for such services. The Rutherford Institute exists to ensure that people are treated fairly in the courts and are free to exercise their liberty without fear.
How Can The Rutherford Institute Help You?
Select the option below that best describes your legal issue.
- Free Speech
- Free Exercise of Religion / Establishment Clause
- School
- Parental Rights / Family Autonomy
- Employment
- Search and Seizure
- Inmates' Rights
- Other
The Rutherford Institute has assisted thousands of people who seek a greater understanding of their constitutional rights. You can learn more about issues of free speech, religious freedom, civil asset forfeiture, interacting with law enforcement, the right to protest and so much more by accessing our Constitutional Q&A Library, our Freedom Resource Brief Bank, our Frequently Asked Questions and our online store.
Become an Affiliate Attorney
Want to join the fight? When people find their constitutional rights threatened or violated, they know they can turn to The Rutherford Institute. We are able to do so with the help of a dedicated group of attorneys across America who donate their time and expertise to assist us in our efforts to uphold and defend our constitutional freedoms. Click here to find out how you can help!