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TRI In The News

Waynesboro Churches Push to Relax Zoning Regulations

From NBC29

Original article available here

Waynesboro is getting a stern legal warning about its regulations over church-run homeless shelters.

A coalition of churches asked the planning commission Tuesday night to relax its zoning rules, by permitting a rotating shelter in more areas of the city.

Members of the Waynesboro Area Refuge Ministry say they should be allowed to offer the service "by right."

Attorney Rita Dunaway from the Rutherford Institute agrees.  She said, "The city of Waynesboro is inviting a costly lawsuit over first principles.  The right of these churches to perform this ministry is protected."

"The zoning regulations as they are says that it's okay to teach and preach the words of Jesus in this certain place, but it's not okay to act on those words," said Mark Schloneger with Springdale Mennonite Church.

The Waynesboro Planning Commission delayed making a recommendation until it can get a legal opinion from the city attorney.  Commissioners will take up the issue next month.


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