TRI In The News
The Patriot Act and Civil Liberties
From JC's We the People
Original blog post available here
You may find this surprising but I don't agree with a number of points put forth in the argument below.
Ten Years After Passage of USA Patriot Act, The Rutherford Institute Warns Against Further Erosion of Civil Liberties.
1. The bill of rights was not gutted by the Patriot Act, I say, it and the Constitution was shredded by the swearing-in of an illegal alien in the White House.
2. While much of what is cited is true as written, I was fortunate enough to watch a movie from National Geographic called the Spy Factory. Little did I know when I started watching it that it was as detailed in-depth insight into the National Security Agency that they were able to divulge.
One must believe that there is nobody with interest listening to the phone calls of Harry who met Sally as they are inundated with with messages as in multiple thousands per day from phone transmissions coming from terrorist hot spots to other countries, as well as those coming to or from the US to theses areas. The purpose of this documentary was to show the failure of NSA to forward intercepts to the FBI which was the norm of the day at that time.
If you are upset with this you might want to limit your calls to Yemen, or Somalia.
Yes the 14th Amendment is violated by the broad interpretation of who might be considered a terrorist and swept up never to be heard from again. Has that happened? I'm not saying it couldn't. I agree the Patriot Act must be reviewed annually and clauses such as the one just mentioned stripped from the Act.
Equally important, efforts and finances should be directed toward those portions of the Patriot Act that have been useful in aborting terrorist acts. Let's examine the usefulness of the TSA and how often those tasked with slipping mock weapons and explosives by them have been successful. Perhaps we might be better served by using the approach by the Israeli's in protecting their flights on Al El airline. When was the last time a terrorist took over one of their planes?
This makes sense doesn't it?
That's my story and I'm sticking to it. I'm J.C. and I approve this message.