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TRI In The News

Standing Up for What is Right

From The Star Democrat

Original letter to the editor available here

I highly commend you for your editorial in Sunday's paper "Common sense prevails for Easton High lacrosse players." You hit the nail on the head except you are too gracious. Incompetence by Supt. Salmon, TCPS school board, David Stofa and Lynne Duncan should not be excused nor rewarded. To not provide Coach Gamble's statement to the state until requested was disingenuous at best, a sloppy, dishonest effort at cover-up at worst. Supt. Salmon should be dismissed, the entire TCPS school board replaced and Stofa and Duncan disciplined at the very least.

On the other hand, the integrity, honesty and perseverance of Dennis, Edsall, their parents, Coach Gamble, the Rutherford Institute and the Maryland Board of Education should be acknowledged and recognized in a meaningful way. The Star Democrat does such a wonderful job with the Brighter Christmas Fund that I suggest the paper establish a "Decent & Honest Citizen Award Fund" to recognize people who stand up for what is right. It would be most appropriate to schedule such an event around May 30 each year when we remember all of our dedicated men and women who have given so much. I would suggest an annual banquet with cash awards to the most deserving and plaques of recognition to those who helped make it possible. This year, the cash awards should go to Graham and Casey with plaques to the Maryland Board of Education, Coach Gamble, the parents of the boys and the Rutherford Institute.

Let's make a difference for what is right in our county.


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