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Shirtless Protest Case Will Go Forward



From One News Now

Original article available here.

A college student arrested for protesting airport security in an unusual way will have his day in court.

Transportation Security Administration agents collared Aaron Tobey after he removed his shirt while in a security check line at Richmond International Airport, exposing part of the Fourth Amendment written on his chest. John Whitehead of The Rutherford Institute explains what has transpired thus far in the associated legal proceedings.

"The federal district court judge here ruled that the Department of Homeland Security and the TSA heads were dismissed from the lawsuit because the judge said that the people who really caused this were the TSA agents in the Richmond airport and the police who arrested Aaron Tobey for expressing himself," states Whitehead.

Tobey made his novel protest against the TSA's use of whole-body imaging scanners and enhanced pat-downs.

"The judge said the First Amendment claim and the Fourth Amendment claim are going to go forward," the attorney explains, "which are that Tobey had a right to write part of the Fourth Amendment on his chest and display it, and that the police and the TSA -- actually by grabbing him and arresting him and interrogating him like he was a terrorist -- violated his Fourth Amendment rights."

The case has tentatively been set for trial next year on January 18.


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