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Pro-Lifer on FBI Terror Watch List?

From One News Now

Original article available here

The Rutherford Institute wants to know why the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is studying a pro-lifer.

Michael Marcavage is a street preacher who is known to travel the United States and share what the gospel says about homosexuality and abortion. John Whitehead of The Rutherford Institute tells OneNewsNow that Marcavage has had some encounters with police over First Amendment rights, but he has won most of those cases.

"Friends have contacted him saying that the FBI has contacted his friends wanting interviews, and they have interviewed some of his friends about his connections to different groups, one being the Army of God, which is an anti-abortion group which Michael Marcavage has absolutely no connection to," Whitehead accounts. "In fact, Marcavage, all his activities are peaceful. He's just a street preacher."

But the attorney points out that when the FBI investigates a person, it usually means he or she has been added to its terror watch list.

"So, I've written a letter to the FBI director, Robert Mueller, asking that Michael Marcavage be either removed or to write back and tell me that he's not on that list. But obviously he is, or he wouldn't be being investigated," The Rutherford Institute president contends. He adds that this is "disturbing" because the bureau is doing the type of secret investigation that "you see in totalitarian states."

So far, the FBI has not responded.


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