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Marco Sauceda and the Future of Prepping



From Survival Times Today

Original blog post available here.

What do we have to look forward to as this nation continues to decay? We have to look forward to an all-powerful government with all the power, but not a single ounce of need to be responsible for their actions. This is becoming more and more apparent everyday as we see and read an alarming increase in incidents where the nation's police forces make mistakes, ending up with citizens injured, shot, imprisoned and worse, murdered by police officers who get to walk away and celebrate their big bust with the fraternal order of law enforcement around the nation.

A recent case in point is the issue of a 30-year-old Honduran developmentally disabled immigrant. Allegedly, the local PD had been called in reference to a possible break in at the home of Marco Sauceda where they were told it appeared as though a black man was attempting a forced entry into the home. John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute has an excellent commentary on the event, and the disgusting outcome whereby Sauced was charged with resisting arrest, and was sentenced to 30 days and fined 300 dollars for the offense.

The poor man was beaten up and gassed by cops in his own home as a response to his (Sauceda's) inability to comprehend what was going on, in his own home. These incidents are becoming more numerous, and there simply is no excuse for what is happening to our law enforcement community today.

Here is a quote from Whitehead's commentary:

Police entered Sauceda's home at 111 Finley St. in Lufkin, Texas, on March 15, 2009, allegedly after a neighbor reported seeing a black man kicking in the front door. Obviously frightened, Sauceda, a Honduran immigrant who speaks no English and has the mind of a child, barricaded himself in his bathroom in response to the police invasion. When police did finally get Sauceda out of the bathroom, they pepper-sprayed him, shot him with a pepper ball gun and wrestled him to the ground. Throughout the ordeal, a terrified Sauceda remained silent.

This is exactly what we need to be prepared for in the coming times. Eventually, we will see the authorities clamping down on those of us who do indeed love freedom as we become known as preppers and supporters of liberty. We see this happening to those who cannot defend themselves now, how long will it take before those who live in the prepper community become targets? It will happen. Most of us cannot afford high-priced lawyers when the cops come a knockin' and we will be used as object lessons to the rest of the community because of this.

And I know from personal experience what can happen when you cannot afford a lawyer to protect you in a court of law. You are no longer considered innocent until proven guilty, you are simply guilty. No questions asked. The only choice many people have today when confronted by the law is what kind of deal are you going to make to reduce your sentence and fine.

What does this incident have to do with prepping? Quite a bit, really. One of the drawbacks to being a diehard prepper is that the media, and thus the public looks upon us as a loosely joined confederation of anti-government, paranoid gun nuts. This of course is not true, but this is what most people I have conversations with believe a prepper to be. For this reason, we will be sought out by the government and used as examples of why the general public should fall into line and obey the man behind the curtain.

At some point and time attacks from the law enforcement community will go beyond hassling isolated extremists, remember Ruby Ridge? and the more vocal preppers among us will also become victims of the growing, and very visible police state. In fact, some of us are already under investigation, and are being tailed and otherwise spied upon by the authorities for our beliefs. It is only a matter of time before this will happen to you, but it will. Stay vigilant, my friends, and keep to the community where it is safer.

If law enforcement is allowed to continue to operate without having to be responsible for its decisions, we will only continue to see this trend of seeing our police become little more that military units enforcing bad government edicts and decision, with no consideration for the Constitution of this nation.


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