TRI In The News
Has Obama Earned That Nobel Peace Prize?
From The Times Union
Original article available here
For many people, it is hard to remember that President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize back in 2009. Oh, did I just jog your memory? Don’t worry, you are not alone.
Even the president himself joked earlier this year about not really knowing why he received the prestigious award, as reported in the Washington Post.
But for some, Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize is no joking matter, and many do not believe he deserves it, especially in light of what he’s done since he received it.
In an article in the Rutherford Institute, libertarian civil liberties attorney and commentator John W. Whitehead argues that between the drone strikes and the assertion that any American citizen could potentially be a terrorist, Obama has done absolutely nothing to promote world peace.
Whitehead declares that the Nobel Peace Prize winner has become the “head of a worldwide assassination program” who “believes he has the absolute right to kill you based upon secret ‘evidence’ that you might be a terrorist.”
Sen. Rand Paul’s recent filibuster of Obama’s nomination of John Brennan for CIA director reflected “ambiguity in the administration’s policy on domestic drone strikes,” says Sadia Ahsanuddin in Al Jazeera.
Even though Paul withdrew the filibuster after 12 hours, his message made clear that Americans’ civil liberties are endangered by the “transformative potential of drones,” and that they “will destroy the very American Constitution we are trying to preserve,” says Ahsanuddin.
In an article in the Atlantic back in September, Conor Friedersdorf says that the way John Brennan describes the drone strikes as surgically precise displays a Orwellian “triumph of propaganda.”
While a surgeon makes precise cuts with his scalpel, a drone strike can wipe out dozens of people nearby the intended target. So, the word “surgical” really belongs nowhere near the words “drone strike,” says Friedersdorf.
Robert Taylor reports in PolicyMic how Obama’s administration substantially downplayed the number of civilian deaths due to the drone strikes, with some estimates equaling 50 civilians killed for every one suspected terrorist.
“The Obama-CIA program is the perfect example of government secrecy, lawlessness, and the inevitable next step in the U.S. government’s long tradition of claiming the right to intervene military (sic) anywhere and everywhere it please,” says Taylor.
What do you make of all this? Do you favor drone strikes against suspected terrorists abroad? On American soil? Do you think the government needs to treat American citizens differently from non-citizens when conducting drone strikes overseas? And what about that peace prize? Has Obama earned it, or not?