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TRI In The News

Follow the Golden Rule



From Go Dan River

Original letter to the editor available here.

To the editor:

As a Christian, and one who rarely agrees with the ACLU, I might be expected to side with the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors in its defiance of the ACLU's request to end sectarian prayers. While I am sympathetic to the board's view, however, I do not agree with their position. If I understand correctly, the ACLU is not asking the board to end all prayers, but simply to refrain from "explicitly referring to Jesus Christ" in its prayers.

In terms of the legality of such prayers, it has previously been reported by this paper that JohnWhitehead, president of the Rutherford Institute, stated that the county would not win this case if it went to court. This is an organization that has defended many individuals and institutions against suits filed by the ACLU. Its position should not be ignored.

My main argument for compliance, however, is rooted in Christian beliefs, specifically, a belief in the Golden Rule.

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" has long guided our conduct, and I believe it applies here.

How would it be if a majority of our citizens were Muslims or Buddhists?

Would we want public prayers made in Allah's name, or a Buddhist chant to precede the football game? I think not.

To this, I would add one other scriptural principle: voluntarily giving up one's rights out of love. Even if Christians have a right to force others to hear "in Jesus' name," if it is offensive to non-believers, out of love, we should not. I believe the church of Jesus Christ can survive this omission.


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