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Attorney Threatens Legal Action if Wilmington Doesn't Accommodate Wishes of Occupy Delaware

From The Republic

Original article available here

Dover, Del. — A Wilmington lawyer is threatening to take the city to court if it does not end what he believes are unconstitutional restrictions on Occupy Delaware participants.

Attorney Thomas Neuberger emailed a cease-and-desist letter to city officials Wednesday demanding that they allow Occupy Delaware participants to assemble and stay overnight at a downtown plaza without using permit requirements as an excuse to prohibit protected activities.

Neuberger sent the letter on behalf of the Rutherford Institute, a civil liberties group that frequently promotes conservative causes. The Institute has battled with city officials in the past over distributing religious literature and picketing outside abortion clinics.

Neuberger's letter follows a letter sent to city officials on Tuesday by the American Civil Liberties Union expressing similar concerns.

A city spokesman had no immediate comment.


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