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Attorney for Pastor Jailed in Arizona Speaks Out

From The Examiner

Original article available here

Last week we brought you a story about Michael Salman, a Pastor in Arizona who surrendered himself to authorities to face two years in prison. His crime? Holding bible studies in his home. Mr. Salman faced a judge today and things don’t appear to be getting any better. The prosecution is pushing for a harsher punishment for his alleged crime.

We spoke with his attorney John Whitehead of The Rutherford Institute this afternoon.

Mr. Whitehead made this statement regarding today’s hearing;

"Mr. Salman was found guilty of one count of violating probation for holding bible studies of more than 12 people. Where she got the number baffles me. Maybe she got it from Jesus and the Disciples, but in that case it would be 13. The prosecution is trying to make an example out of Mr. Salman. Through this case the government is saying ‘If you don’t do it this way, face the consequences.’"

Mr. Whitehead has worked with the Christian community for over 30 years and even discussed the bible with his children when they were younger. He is representing Mr. Salman because he believes in the right to the freedom of religion as recorded in the First Amendment of our Constitution. He has come out in many interviews arguing this fact and made the following statement in regards to freedom of religion.

"The danger of this case is the government is trying to establish what is and isn’t a church. When it does that they are overstepping the boundary. This violates the very foundation of that Amendment and the Establishment Clause."

When asked about the fact sheet released by the government last week, Mr Whitehead said this;

"Oh, the facts as they see it? I don’t see them make reference to the two dated letters sent to my client in September of 2007. One, which is dated September 20, 2007 states 'You may not hold bible studies in your home until appropriate permits are obtained.'"

Mr Whitehead also wanted to address the many reports in which Mr. Salman’s past was presented and him being portrayed as a bad guy.

"Ask his wife and family; who are weeping right now, if he is such a bad guy. They’re doing a good job of demonizing the guy. The guy is a reformed Christian. The essence of being Christian is being reformed and changed. I know many ex-convicts who love the Lord."

Some Christians who are supporting the government in this case cite Romans 13 which mentions being subject to the laws of the land as they are ordained by God. Mr. Whitehead said this about that scripture;

"Lawful law yes, but I don’t think God intended on us to obey unlawful ordinances. If so, He must be pleased with Hitler huh? Look at Jesus, Paul and Peter in the bible. All were persecuted for disobeying the law. Jesus was crucified, Paul was jailed, beaten and beheaded, Peter was crucified upside down. If Christians were to obey every law of the land then persecution would not exist as Christians would be in lockstep with the government. Christians need to be in lockstep with Christ not the government. If Christians united behind my client, he wouldn’t be in prison right now. But they are twisting a scripture in support of the government. Christians in this day are quiet, and backing down behind the government order."

Mr. Salman remains in prison and the prosecution is seeking a longer sentence for him. His attorney and his family are asking for prayers and support in this trying time.


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