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On The Front Lines

Rutherford Institute Launches Summer Speaker Series (June 5-July 26), Welcomes Broad Array of Civil Rights Activists, Journalists & Others

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. — The Rutherford Institute is pleased to welcome a broad array of speakers to its 2013 Summer Speaker Series, which will begin on Wednesday, June 5, 2013.

Among the speakers scheduled to appear this summer are:

  • Bruce Fein, the former associate deputy attorney general under President Ronald Reagan, who will speak on “The Civilization Genome Project”
  • Nationally syndicated columnist Cal Thomas on “An Insider’s Take on Politics and the News”
  • Litigator Thomas Neuberger who secured one of the earliest child sex abuse legal victories against the Catholic Church
  • Steve Leckar, who argued and won a landmark case before the U.S. Supreme Court prohibiting police from using GPS devices to track suspects without a warrant
  • Attorney Anand Agneshwar on “Florida v. Harris: Hinging the Fourth Amendment on a Drug-Sniffing Dog”
  • Sharon Bradford Franklin of the Constitution Project who will address efforts to safeguard the Fourth Amendment in a digital age
  • Retired lieutenant colonel Tony Shaffer, a highly experienced intelligence officer and recipient of the Bronze Star, who had almost 10,000 copies of his military memoir destroyed after being purchased for $47,000 by the Defense Department
  • Former Virginia state attorney general Anthony Troy, who will speak on the differences between true threats and protected speech, especially as they relate to the Brandon Raub case
  • Nat Hentoff, a nationally syndicated columnist, on “Can America be Saved from What It Is Becoming?”

Click here for a complete list of speakers, as well as times and topics. The Summer Speaker Series is open to the public. However, seating is LIMITED, so space must be reserved early by calling (434) 978-3888.  

The Institute’s Summer Speaker Series engages leaders from a cross-section of cultural, philosophical and legal backgrounds in stimulating discussions with law students, lawyers, civil liberties activists and community members. This year’s lineup of speakers will address issues ranging from civil liberties post-9/11 and criminal justice reform to the dissolution of the print media, religious freedom in America, TSA scanners and threats to the Fourth Amendment, and what Americans can do to guard against attacks on the Constitution.


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