On The Front Lines
Maverick Conservative Columnist Cal Thomas Squares Off With John Whitehead in Exclusive oldSpeak Interview
CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va.--With over 500 newspapers in the United States and abroad carrying his weekly column, Cal Thomas is one of America's most widely syndicated columnists. In a rare interview with oldSpeak magazine, a publication of The Rutherford Institute, Thomas shares his controversial Christian views on biblical morality and its relationship to politics, culture and world affairs with Institute president and founder John W. Whitehead. The interview is available at www.rutherford.org.Often grouped with conservatives like Rush Limbaugh, Thomas continues to provoke the wrath of left-leaning readers with his thoughtful, yet strong, opinions. In some of the mail that Thomas has posted on his own website, he has been castigated for being a "gay-bashing, low-life, Neanderthal, Republican slime-ball" and a "lying, narrow-minded, bigoted, ratty twerp." However, in his latest book, Blinded by Might: Why the Religious Right Can't Save America, Thomas also challenges conventional conservative wisdom by criticizing what he views as the Religious Right's misguided attempts to effect cultural and political change. In this spirited and candid interview with oldSpeak, Thomas sounds off on the state of Christianity, its innocuous involvement in politics, and how real change can be wrought.
oldSpeak, an online magazine published by The Rutherford Institute, is dedicated to publishing interviews, articles and commentary on subjects often overlooked by the mainstream media in the areas of politics, arts & culture, law and religion.
The Rutherford Institute is an international, nonprofit civil liberties organization committed to defending constitutional and human rights.
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Email: Nisha N. Mohammed