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John Whitehead’s Song ‘This Feeling of Being Lost’ Named Among Top Music Video Winners by Citizens Commission on Human Rights

CLEARWATER, Fla.—“This Feeling of Being Lost,” a song written by John W. Whitehead, performed by Joshua Whitehead, and produced as a music video by Chris Combs of The Rutherford Institute, has been ranked among the top 10 winners of a Music/Performance Video Contest sponsored by the Citizens Commission on Human Rights of Florida (CCHR). The contest is part of a campaign to raise awareness about the dangers of psychiatric drugs and the risks associated with medicating children.

The prize-winning video, “This Feeling of Being Lost,” which was also awarded the “most artistic song and lyrics,” can be seen here.

 “Young people today are immersed in a drug culture—one manufactured by the pharmaceutical industry—almost from the moment they are born,” said John W. Whitehead, president of The Rutherford Institute. “Indeed, over-prescription of psychotropic drugs is one of the most severe issues plaguing America's children today. Over 17 million children worldwide--ten million of whom live in the United States—have been prescribed drugs so dangerous that regulatory agencies around the world, including in the United States, have issued warnings on their side effects.”


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