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On The Front Lines

In Recognition of Constitution Day, John Whitehead Speaks to Students on the Constitution’s Importance in the Era of the American Police State

Danville, Va. — Constitutional attorney John W. Whitehead will speak to students and faculty at 11a.m. on September 17, Constitution Day, in Oliver Hall at Danville Community College in Danville, Va. in order to emphasize the importance of the Constitution in the era of the emerging American police state. Described by one historian as “the owners’ manual to the greatest form of government the world has ever known,” the Constitution has come under increasing attack by government agents in recent years, a phenomenon which is thoroughly documented in Whitehead’s new book, A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State (SelectBooks, 2013).

“The Constitution provides us with the blueprint for maintaining a balanced republic, and it must always be the starting point. Each of us, from public officials to citizens, has an affirmative duty to hold our government accountable,” said Whitehead. “However, in the end, it is still the people who hold the ultimate power, and with it the concomitant responsibility, to maintain our freedoms.”     

Hailed by those at all points along the political spectrum for its masterful chronicling of America’s shift away from the rule of law, the U.S. Constitution, which historically shielded the citizenry from government abuses, A Government of Wolves paints a chilling portrait of a nation in the final stages of transformation into a police state, complete with surveillance cameras, drug-sniffing dogs, SWAT team raids, roadside strip searches, blood draws at DUI checkpoints, mosquito drones, tasers, privatized prisons, GPS tracking devices, zero tolerance policies, overcriminalization, and free speech zones. Drawing on his vast knowledge of history, culture, and law, John W. Whitehead compellingly argues that fiction has now become fact. Indeed, with sci fi movies such as Minority Report, 1984, The Matrix, They Live, and V for Vendetta pointing the way, America has become that futuristic society of celluloid fantasies in which a passive, uninformed populace gives rise to an overbearing, out-of-control government. This is the future Aldous Huxley and George Orwell warned against. This is the present that Whitehead cautions could become an endless nightmare from which there is no awakening unless we act now. As American historian and nationally syndicated columnist Nat Hentoff notes in his special introduction to A Government of Wolves: “We have been through some troubling times before in our nation’s history. There were the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 . . . the Red Raids in the early 1920s . . . the Japanese internment camps of World War Two . . . What we have now may be more insidious. Indeed, I believe we are in a worse state now than ever before in this country. With the surveillance state closing in on us, we are fighting to keep our country free from our own government.”

John Whitehead is an attorney and author who has written, debated, and practiced widely in the area of constitutional law. A prominent leader in the national dialogue on civil liberties and human rights and a formidable champion of the Constitution, Whitehead’s concern for the persecuted and oppressed led him in 1982 to establish The Rutherford Institute, a nonprofit organization dedicated to the defense of civil liberties and human rights. “John Whitehead is one of the most eloquent and knowledgeable defenders of liberty, and opponents of the growing American police state, writing today,” declared Ron Paul, twelve-term US congressman and former presidential candidate. “I am pleased to recommend A Government of Wolves to anyone interested in learning how modern America increasingly resembles a dystopian science fiction film instead of a Constitutional Republic.”

A Government of Wolves is available in bookstores and online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.


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