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On The Front Lines

In Stirring New Book, 'The Freedom Wars,' John W. Whitehead Analyzes Emerging Surveillance State, How Americans Can Preserve Freedoms

"The problems facing our generation are numerous and are becoming incredibly complex. Technology, which has developed at a rapid pace, offers those in power more invasive and awesome possibilities than ever before. Never in American history has there been a more pressing need to maintain the barriers in the Constitution erected by our Founders to check governmental power and abuse."--John W. Whitehead

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va.--In his new book, The Freedom Wars: What You Can Do to Preserve Your Rights (TRI Press, 2010), constitutional attorney John W. Whitehead examines the emerging surveillance state and discusses what Americans can do to preserve their freedoms. Whitehead is nationally recognized as one of the nation's most vocal and involved champions of constitutional and civil liberties.

In The Freedom Wars, Whitehead shows how Americans are being encased in an electronic concentration camp as the country metamorphoses into a police state. "Ominous developments in America have been a long time coming. Unfortunately, they have, in part, been precipitated by 'we the people'--a somnambulant citizenry that has been asleep at the wheel for too long. And while there have been wake-up calls, we have failed to heed the warnings."

The Freedom Wars is divided into three sections:

• Part One tracks the trends in government that have led to the emergence of a "total security state" and its invasion of our privacy as citizens and violation of our civil liberties;

• Part Two examines why most Americans are oblivious of the current state of affairs through ignorance of the basics of citizenship and a growing constitutional illiteracy;

• Part Three is a stirring call to action as it examines the principles of a free government and the urgent need to stand and fight for our freedoms before it is too late. "There is no better time to act than the present. Fear, apathy, escapism or reliance on some government official to save us will not carry the day. It is within our power as citizens to make a difference and seek corrective measures. That principle is the basis of the American governmental scheme."

Review copies of The Freedom Wars are available to members of the press. For a review copy, call (434) 978-3888 or email

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