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April 17, 2024

What’s playing out now with the highly politicized tug-of-war over whether Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act gets reauthorized by Congress doesn’t just sell us out, it makes us extensions of Big Brother.

April 09, 2024

“We the people” have become the new, permanent underclass in America. We have no real say in how the government runs, or how our taxpayer funds are used, but we’re being forced to pay through the nose, anyhow.

April 09, 2024

“We the people” have become the new, permanent underclass in America. We have no real say in how the government runs, or how our taxpayer funds are used, but we’re being forced to pay through the nose, anyhow.

April 03, 2024

The government believes it not only has the power to determine who is deserving of constitutional rights in the eyes of the law--including the right to life--but also the authority to deny those rights to an American citizen. The fallout is what happens when the government attempts to play God.

April 03, 2024

The government believes it not only has the power to determine who is deserving of constitutional rights in the eyes of the law--including the right to life--but also the authority to deny those rights to an American citizen. The fallout is what happens when the government attempts to play God.

March 26, 2024

When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals. In the current governmental climate, obeying one’s conscience and speaking truth to the power of the police state can easily render you an “enemy of the state.” The government’s list of so-called “enemies of the state” is growing by the day.

March 26, 2024

When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals. In the current governmental climate, obeying one’s conscience and speaking truth to the power of the police state can easily render you an “enemy of the state.” The government’s list of so-called “enemies of the state” is growing by the day.

March 20, 2024

Tyrants don’t like people who speak truth to power. Cue the rise of protest laws, which take the government’s intolerance for free speech to a whole new level and send the resounding message that resistance is futile. There can be no free speech for the citizenry when the government speaks in a language of force.

March 20, 2024

Tyrants don’t like people who speak truth to power. Cue the rise of protest laws, which take the government’s intolerance for free speech to a whole new level and send the resounding message that resistance is futile. There can be no free speech for the citizenry when the government speaks in a language of force.

March 12, 2024

Day by day, tyranny is rising as freedom falls. This is the state of our nation that no is talking about—not the politicians, not the courts, and not Congress: the government’s power grabs are growing bolder, while the rights of the citizenry continue to be trampled underfoot. This sorry truth has persisted no matter which party has controlled Congress or the White House.  

March 12, 2024

Day by day, tyranny is rising as freedom falls. This is the state of our nation that no is talking about—not the politicians, not the courts, and not Congress: the government’s power grabs are growing bolder, while the rights of the citizenry continue to be trampled underfoot. This sorry truth has persisted no matter which party has controlled Congress or the White House.  

March 05, 2024

Presidential elections merely serve to maintain the status quo. Once elected president, that person becomes part of the dictatorial continuum that is the American imperial presidency today.

March 05, 2024

Presidential elections merely serve to maintain the status quo. Once elected president, that person becomes part of the dictatorial continuum that is the American imperial presidency today.

February 27, 2024

There can be no free speech when corporations such as Facebook, Google or YouTube become a front for—or extensions of—government censors. This is the very definition of technocensorship.

February 27, 2024

There can be no free speech when corporations such as Facebook, Google or YouTube become a front for—or extensions of—government censors. This is the very definition of technocensorship.

February 21, 2024

COVID-19 was a test to see how little resistance the citizenry would offer up to the government’s power grabs when made in the name of national security. “We the people” failed that test spectacularly. Four years later, we're still failing.

February 21, 2024

COVID-19 was a test to see how little resistance the citizenry would offer up to the government’s power grabs when made in the name of national security. “We the people” failed that test spectacularly. Four years later, we're still failing.

February 13, 2024

The U.S. government is spending money it doesn’t have on foreign aid programs it can’t afford, all the while the national debt continues to grow, our domestic infrastructure continues to deteriorate, and our borders continue to be breached. What is going on? It appears that a corporatized, militarized, entrenched global bureaucracy is running the country.

February 13, 2024

The U.S. government is spending money it doesn’t have on foreign aid programs it can’t afford, all the while the national debt continues to grow, our domestic infrastructure continues to deteriorate, and our borders continue to be breached. What is going on? It appears that a corporatized, militarized, entrenched global bureaucracy is running the country.

February 06, 2024

Forty years past the time that George Orwell envisioned the stomping boot of Big Brother, the police state is about to pass off the baton to the surveillance state. 1984 has become an operation manual for the omnipresent, modern-day surveillance state.

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