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Rejecting the Matrix: Breaking the Chains that Bind the Mind

NOW PLAYING: The more things change, the more they stay the same. To many, the situation seems hopeless. But is it? For there to be any hope of real change, you’ll have to change how you think about yourself, your fellow human beings, freedom, society, and the government. This means freeing your mind, realizing the truth, and unlearning all the myths you have been indoctrinated with since the day you were able to comprehend language. In this episode of On Target, John W. Whitehead offers a few helpful tips that might help any budding freedom fighters in the struggle to liberate themselves and our society.

On Target with John Whitehead ® is a video and audio blog that provides an insightful, relevant and provocative commentary on popular culture and constitutional issues. Audio versions of On Target with John Whitehead ™ are part of The Rutherford Institute's educational outreach efforts and are available for use by radio stations and media outlets and for personal listening by individuals.

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