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Guest Speaker: Bruce Fein

JUNE 5, 2011 • 10:00 AM

The Civilization Genome Project

Bruce FeinBruce Fein commands unsurpassed educational skills, experience and erudition in the halls of both national and international leadership.  He attended Swarthmore and the University of California, Berkeley, graduating Phi Beta Kappa with honors.  He also graduated from Harvard Law School with honors.  Bruce has been Associate Deputy Attorney General of the United States, an adjunct scholar with the American Enterprise Institute, a resident scholar at the Heritage Foundation, a lecturer at the Brookings Institute and an adjunct professor at George Washington University. He has also been executive editor of World Intelligence Review, a periodical devoted to national security and intelligence issues.  He has spoken before countless student audiences, read thousands of books, classical and otherwise, and volunteered endless hours teaching children of all ages.

Bruce has authored several volumes on the U.S. Supreme Court, the U.S. Constitution and international law.  He has assisted two dozen countries in constitutional revision and advised over twenty heads of state and presidents of foreign nations, plus four American presidents and members of Congress, the House of Commons and the House of Lords on matters ranging from education, law, telecommunications and cable regulation to sugar quotas, oil and gas pipelines and human rights.  He has drafted speeches and correspondence for world leaders to present before national legislative bodies, the United Nations and regional and bilateral summits. 

He writes a weekly column for The Washington Times devoted to legal and international affairs, besides guest columns for numerous other newspapers and articles for professional and lay journals. He is regularly invited to testify before Congress, state legislators and administrative agencies by both Democrats and Republicans.  He appears regularly on national broadcast, cable and radio programs as an expert in education, foreign affairs, international and constitutional law, telecommunications, terrorism, national security and related subjects. Bruce is founding partner of the law firm Fein & Fein.  He resides in Virginia with his wife and three children.

Suggested Reading:

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